Market research
MDpro specializes in both Russian medical device market analysis (more than 300 segments are regularly tracked) and analysis of 50 foreign medical device markets.
Main information resource we use for market analysis is in-house developed Database, which includes information about public procurement of medical devices and export-import operations. We also actively use data from other resources: healthcare statistics, publications of international market research agencies, companies' reports, etc.
MDpro carries out two types of market research:
Syndicated (ready-to-buy) research studies are studies conducted on our own initiative or on the basis of the most frequent requests of our clients. They are tailored to meet the needs of all market members.
Ready reports contain the latest information about medical device market and its segments. They are intended to provide better understanding of current market situation and consequently to be a basis for making commercial strategy adjustments.
Purchasing of ready reports in most cases becomes the first step of market analysis and serves as a foundation for future ad hoc studies.
What kind of data do ready reports contain? General information about medical device market and its segments: market dynamics, market (its segments) structure, production description, public procurement data (incl. information about the biggest suppliers and consumers), export-import operations, short-term forecast of consumption dynamics, etc. Besides, many reports include data about supplies in physical terms with details on brands and models produced by separate manufactures.
Ad-hoc research studies are studies designed to solve client-specific problems, which carried out at the request of a client.
Reports based on the results of ad-hoc studies contain in-depth and detailed analysis of medical device market and its segments. Ad-hoc studies are helpful for achieving strategic business objectives: for development of a business plan/ market entry strategy/ growth strategy, investment encouragement, etc.
What tasks do ad-hoc research studies solve, besides from general market analysis?
- Competitive analysis, comparison of competitors' product portfolios
- Evaluation of needs in medical devices (within segments under study), aimed at determining the potential of consumption growth
- Evaluation of influence of substitute technologies on a segment under study
- SWOT-analysis of a segment under study
- Factor analysis and building of a forecast model of segment development in medium- and long-term perspectives
- Development of promotion strategy of medical devices within a segment under study, etc.